Tuesday 22 October 2013

Day 3 - Biloela to Monto

Distance - 96 kms
Average Speed - 17.7 km/hr
Ascent - 604 m

View the ride here:

Anticipating a tough day with 3 climbs and 36 degrees (and not being very fit), the strategy was to get to the nasty bit (at about 75 kms) as quickly as possible, so no stops other than for water.

Left at about 5.45am after a breakfast of 4 litres of water and a banana . The first climb was ok, long but only a few degrees.  First water change at 60 kms and 3 hours 15 minutes . Feeling strong. Quite undulating but got to the base of the Monto Range in good nick.  

In my dreams, I got over all three climbs.  Wrong dream.  The second climb is long and sharp . Got about 1/3 rd the way up before having to hump.  Got back on about 2/3rds the way  up and battled over the top.  

The second climb is shorter, at 7 or 8 degrees , and then very sharp at the end.  Humped for the last 200 metres.

Views at the top are spectacular across to the Cania Gorge. Freewheeled for 7kms at 7%. I'm a chicken, braked all the way.

The landscape changed when over the range - cereal crops, irrigation and lakes ( or even a wetland).

Arrived at Monto at  12.15 pm .  If you haven't been there, you're not missing much.  But, the locals are friendly, the pies are good and the beer is cold.

Happy with an average of near 18 km/hr.  Roads are falling apart, especially the shoulders.

Easier day tomorrow, might even sleep in.  

Time now to hydrate at one of the pubs.

Thangool pub, about 10 kms south of Biloela.

Water! A bit anyway

IGA Monto, the place to be.

Cup of tea

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